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  • Allah tidak akan merubah suatu kaum kecuali kaum tersebut merubahnya…(jadikan hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin)

Change Your Life For The Better

How to Change Your Life For the Better

1.        Think about why and how you want to change your life. Do you want to change your life for a      
        particular purpose?
2.        Read Al-quran. make yourself understand the contents of the Quran
3.       Pick a starting point. Your outlook on life, your inside or outside. Family, friends?

4.       Talk to family/friends. Ask them what they like about you what they don't. Keep the good qualities and try to lose the bad ones.
5.       Change your outlook on life. If you think your life sucks, then do things you love to do to make your life positive. (GOOD THINGS ONLY, NOTHING BAD!!!).
6.       If you are in school, study hard so you can pass classes, with really high GPAs, so you can go to the college you want, or just to college at all
7.   Don't spend your money on junk such as candy, chips etc. Save it for important things and emergencies.
8.       Make your parents happy, which will make you happy.

Try to look happy.

Be nice.